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UKraine Medical MInistry

Our goal: To support and assist the ABWE-Ukraine team goal of facilitating a national church-planting movement and training leadership.

"Jesus went throughout all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom and healing every disease and every affliction.  When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd" (Matthew 9:35-36).

Jesus tri-fold ministry of preaching, teaching, healing, and making disciples provides us with a model for medical missions. This model provides the basis for the vision behind the medical ministry in Ukraine. 

How Can Medical Ministry Fulfill this Purpose?

The medical ministry in Ukraine works in partnership with the Ukrainian Christian Medical Association. We assist with evangelistic medical outreaches in underserved areas. These outreaches allow us to come alongside local believers in sharing the love of Christ in their community and opens doors for evangelism. Working alongside Ukrainian healthcare professionals and students also gives opportunities to mentor them spiritually and professionally. 

Many people will not admit spiritual need until they are sick and vulnerable.  A Christian doctor or nurse has unique openings to share the gospel with their patients.  A medical missionary can impact lay people and professionals through evangelism and discipleship. The medical ministry here in Ukraine provides opportunities for one on one evangelism and discipleship as well as opportunities for coming alongside our Ukrainian partners to encourage and assist them in their evangelistic, discipleship & church planting efforts.

To learn more about our partners at CMA-Ukraine you can click on this link.

Why Ukraine?

Many of the villages in Ukraine have limited access to medical care.  Years of war have exacerbated the crisis by creating even more barriers in access to care in frontline areas. The economic crisis that has worsen since the full scale invasion in 2022 has made life especially difficult for pensioners who often do not have enough money to live on, let alone purchase needed medications.  This provides us with an opportunity to meet a very real physical need while also opening the door for effective evangelism and discipleship. Years of war and uncertainty in Ukraine have created an openness to the gospel that is not seen in most other strongly orthodox countries. Medical ministry further opens doors by providing compassionate care in underserved rural areas and in areas more severely impacted by the war. While the church has flourished in Ukraine during its first decades of independence following years of oppression under communism, many of the rural areas still do not have a gospel witness. We are able to partner with rural pastors and church planters through medical ministry by helping to open doors in their community so that the hope of the gospel can be shared.

How is it done?

We hold clinics in villages where a need for health care exists and where we can partner with local believers in sharing the gospel.  In this manner, we are able to assist rural churches in making contacts with unsaved villagers, as well as share Christ with patients who are spiritually hungry.

If you would like to know more about this ministry or find out how you can get involved, please fill out the contact form below.

To catch a glimpse of what village medical ministry looks like, check out this video.

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